Hello highrise.

Well, I’ve now arrived in Shanghai, China.I have never seen firsthand such a big city with so many highrise buildings. On the bus from the airport, the first ones we saw were about 10 – 20 highrise apartment blocks. The first thing they reminded me of were the pod tower things from the Matrix. (partly because of the way the buildings were lit as well)

Wandering through the rest of the city this evening, trying to find a 7-Eleven or supermarket type place, one of the fellows pointed out that it all feels very Blade Runner like. All these skyscrapers, most of them lit up with neon lighting and advertising. The only thing that’s missing is Harrison Ford.Shanghai Neon

The other thing I’ve noticed is, although there are trafficlights, they still appear to be optional. Maybe they are there as a guide only.

Photos / Maglev / attempted witty commentary & stuff to follow in the next day or so.
I first have to deal with a theatre in the morning.


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